< 1 min
Risking, Fast and Slow
Slow risk doesn’t make headlines. Every time a hedge fund blows up you will probably hear about it. But you never hear about the person who sat in cash for 20 years because they were too afraid to get invested. Both are equally devastating, but one seems less spectacular than the other.
(5min _ OfDollarsAndData)
Insights from “The Matter with Things.”
We are already living in a simulation. Our focus is on safety, power, and control, yet we’ve never felt so disconnected. If the LH could invent a world, it would surely look a lot like this.
(12min _ k/c/p)
Every Richard Feynman Lecture Freely Available Out There
Theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman had an extraordinary ability to explain complicated concepts in physics and mathematics in an extremely simple and understandable manner.
A thread of some of the most amazing lectures by Feynman is freely available online.
(Xmin _ cantorsparadise)
10 common mental errors that derail decision-making:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) December 11, 2021
“The greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor; it is the one thing that cannot be learned from others; and it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an intuitive perception of the similarity of the dissimilar.”_Aristotele