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2021-40 weekly bits and bites

Using data from Credit Suisse, this graphic looks at how global wealth is distributed among the adult population.

(3min _ VisualCapitalist)

This Market Makes No Sense

Most people assumed speculative activity in the markets would cool off once sports came back, the casinos opened up again and people were able to move about more freely with their normal activities.

(5min _ B. Carlson)

The Broken Clock

So, while we are all enjoying a good laugh at Kiyosaki’s expense today, he will have the last laugh in the long run. Not because he will be right eventually, but because he knows that people want predictions. They crave them.

(5min _ N.Maggiulli)

Warren Buffett May Not Be Into Crypto, but His Granddaughter Is

With record volumes and sales exploding into the billions, NFTs are red hot — and for artists like Nicole Buffett, a pandemic-proof way to sell art.

(8min _ II)

„The Commanding General is well aware that the forecasts are no good. However, he needs them for planning purposes.“

_Kenneth J. Arrow

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