2 min
Fear and Loathing in Cryptoland
If you still think their is no value here, you really need to reconsider.
However, the opposite is also true. If you think that Cryptoland is going to overturn the traditional financial system and our way of life in general, you are equally misguided.
(5min _ OfDollarsAndData)
I Was the Only Female Partner at My
Hedge Fund. Here’s What Needs to Change.
In an excerpt from her book, former Canyon Partners portfolio manager Dominique Mielle reflects on the scarcity of women in senior roles — and the obstacles that stand in their way.
“Safer, yes, but not in terms of returns,” she responded, “safer for the allocators’ jobs. No one in their investment committees would question the decision to go with a known quantity. A lot of them were scared and perceived sticking with a mid-size fund run by a woman as an added risk.”
(7min _ InstitutionalInvestor)
In 1997, historian David Banks argued in “The Problem of Excess Genius” that, “The most important question we can ask of historians is ‘Why are some periods and places so astonishingly more productive than the rest?’“
(9min _ notboring)
The Same Stories, Again and Again
Social sciences get a bad rap because so many insights are hard or impossible to reproduce. I think the only solution is paying special attention to the few behaviors that have repeated themselves throughout history.
(7min _ Morgan Housel)
There’s More to Investing Than Just Risk and Return
In praise of what can’t be measured.
Here’s a short list of nonquantifiable, decidedly subjective issues that should factor into the appropriateness of your investments and your overall plan.
(7min _ Morningstar)
Commodity Futures Investing: Complex and Unique
Commodity futures investing is arguably the most misunderstood asset class in the financial marketplace.
We want to change that state of affairs.
Commodity futures strategies are fascinating and can be beneficial to investors. However, commodity futures are often complex, involve leverage and significant volatility, and have suffered periods of poor performance for decade-long periods (the last 10 years is a good example).
Nonetheless, because of the unique properties of the asset class, sophisticated investors should at least consider commodity futures as part of their investment toolkit, and at the very least, consider the exploration into commodity futures as part of a dedication to education and becoming a better investor.
(>10min _ alpha architect)
— Mr. Tail Hedge (@HedgeTail) October 19, 2021
Rory Sutherland — Effective Communication: Jesters & Saints (EP.73)
Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman of Ogilvy Group, joins us for an almost unprecedented third appearance on Infinite Loops. Our discussion with Rory centers on:
- The marketing of Saint Paul and religious leaders.
- Humor as a vehicle for effective messaging.
- The advantages and drawbacks of remote work.
- “Category” vs. “brand” advertising.
- And MUCH more!
(podcast 1h16min _ InfiniteLoops)
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”
_ Epectetus